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We offer a complete package for customers who WANT to achieve registration to ISO 9001:2015 for the FIRST time.

Documentation - Stage 1

There are many approaches and methods to create the required documentation system for an ISO 9001 certification audit.

There are templates, consultants, seminars and often just plain old ink to paper.

However, in most instances when we finally make the commitment to become ISO 9001 certified, we begin by focusing on the ISO 9001 Standard and try to foresee what the ISO 9001 auditor will want to see during their audit. After all, the purpose of becoming ISO 9001 certified is in fact to be "Certified", or is it?

We believe that the ISO 9001 certification is an organic end after looking at all of the organization's processes, documenting the processes that benefit from such documentation, proper training and implementing a complete organizational business plan that is profitable and effective for the organization. In fact, the objective should be to "Create a Business Plan that ensures future success and long term viability for the organization!

Therefore, with this in mind, the documentation should be simple, easy to read, effective and accurately represent the organization's processes. Documentation MUST be useful or it will sit somewhere on some server (or in a binder) getting old and obsolete.

It is not a requirement by TQMS Inc. that our customers use CIS Continuous Improvement Software; however, we would like to explain why we prefer using CIS Software, especially when creating the documentation.

The general rule of documentation is "say what you do and do what you say". When companies create the documentation based on their perception of an audit, generally they say too much. We try to document only what needs to be documented to ensure overall business success. Furthermore, since CIS Software includes modules (tools) for most business processes including 100% of the ISO 9001 elements, then creating the documentation becomes relatively easy and quick.

For example, if one were to create a procedure for Human Resource Management and Training, we could expect that the procedure would be quite lengthy, require meetings with many managers, reviews, approvals and forms and databases would need to be created or revised during the process. In some instances, we have seen this process take over three months.

Consider the overall cost of creating such a procedure in this manner. If a manager's cost per hour (overhead including benefits etc...) is $ 75.00 per hour and it took 3 managers who worked a total of 10 hours each during the three month process, then the cost, excluding the consultant’s fee, would be $ 2,250.00. When you include this cost with the consultant's fee and add in the time and frustration involved with drafts, reviews and approvals, you have one very costly procedure that may not be so effective.

That is why we prefer using CIS Software! Since CIS Software includes a complete Human Resource and Training module, we prefer to spend a little time up-front setting up the training times, criteria and positions in CIS Software to best reflect your training requirements. Additionally, in the help screen for the HR and Training module, CIS includes the ISO 9001 and AS-9100 requirements applicable to Human Resource Management and Training, plus nine 5-Minute Training Videos.

Therefore, creating the procedure becomes a snap! If we say what we do and do what we say, then we can say that we use CIS Software for managing HR and Training. The procedure would then outline responsibilities. Contact us for a free sample procedure showing how simple yet effective procedures combined with CIS Software can be. In our procedures, there is no need to include the revision number and approval dates because CIS Software manages the revision number and date automatically when the procedure is uploaded and approved. Hence, as we create these documents, they reside and become available to all managers electronically within your CIS Software Management System.

Furthermore, the procedure becomes effective, accurate and simple to implement. We import the employees' information and then let CIS do its job and plan the training, follow-up and report the training.

CIS solves the creation of all of the business procedures often referred to as tier one and two documentation. Generally, these are new and the most frustrating documents to create when starting an ISO 9001 system. The third tier documentation is generally easier because it reflects what is presently done in the processes. These are often called SOPs or Work Instructions. We prefer to call them Flow Charts and we create one flow chart for each major process. We prefer to use Microsoft Visio for these flow charts since the software is designed to make this process simple. The final files are always converted to a PDF and loaded into CIS Software.

So how do we proceed and how long does it take?

Depending on the size of the company, quantity of processes to be documented and if the company decides to use CIS Software, it can take as little as two weeks and as long as a month.

We prefer to have an initial on-site visit to meet the management and review the processes. We feel it is important to develop a personal business relationship with our customers since we want them to be customers for life. During the initial visit, we also provide training seminars to key management personnel.

Normally the first visit is between three to five days and includes:

  • Meet all of the key management personnel to discuss the project;

  • Set-Up CIS Software;

  • Establish, review and take notes on all of the processes that need to be documented;

  • Enter the documentation and implementation benchmarks in CIS and assign the actions;

  • Often we can finalize the first and second tier procedures if the customer is using CIS Software;

  • Provide the first visit training seminars.

After the first visit, we then work with the management personnel to complete the flow charts on-line using ZOOM and collaborating at convenient times. This process can take up to one month. However, depending on the customer's commitment to the process, it can be as little as a week.

During the process of completing of the documentation, we simultaneously will provide additional on-line training and implementation assistance (see Training, Implementation and Final Visit)

Training - Stage 2

Training is the key to any successful project. That is why we offer different levels of training throughout the process as well as on-line training within CIS Software available continually.

First Visit Onsite Training to Managers

  • 14-Hours CIS Software Overview Training

  • 2-Hour Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving Seminar;

  • 2-Hour Risk Analysis Seminar;

  • 3-Hour ISO 9001 Motivational Seminar.

  • Online Training during Documentation and Implementation

This training is by collaborating using ZOOM:

  • Using Excel, Word and Visio to Prepare Procedures/Flow Charts;

  • How to best prepare Procedures/Flow Charts;

  • Implementation by Module of CIS and ISO 9001 Elements Training;

  • Final Visit Onsite Training to Selected Managers;

  • Internal Auditor Training;

  • Continual Improvement and Motivation of your Business System;

  • How to Best Plan for your ISO 9001 Certification Audit.

Implementation - Stage 3

While we work with your management personnel online using ZOOM, we also provide systematic implementation guidelines using CIS Software (when available).

We provide PowerPoint implementation slide shows, videos and one-on-one implementation guidance using ZOOM.

We can generally implement the system over a one to two month period, at which time we return to your facility for our final visit that includes additional training and an internal audit with your selected internal auditors.

From the time you start until the day you celebrate your certification, we remain part of the process to ensure your success.

Our objective is to have you as a valued customer for life.

Final Visit - Stage 4

Our final visit is not the end of our relationship but the beginning of a long-term support system. Although it is, in fact, the last visit that we schedule to your facility, we continue to serve you via our help line, help systems, continually updated help videos and periodic seminars offered throughout the United States.

During our final visit, we provide the final visit training. Additionally, we perform an internal audit of your business to identify any potential areas for improvement prior to your actual certification audit.

We discuss the identified areas for improvement and create a plan within CIS Software to address and follow-up on these issues.

Upon our departure, you WILL be ready for an ISO 9001 audit.